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Remember, these books are
Patterns, Dressmaking
The Book of Home Sewing
Blueprints of Fashion: Home Sewing Patterns of the 1940s
Bridal Couture : Fine Sewing Techniques for Wedding Gowns and Evening Wear
Complete Book of Sewing
Complete Guide to Sewing : Step-By-Step Techniques for Making Clothes
Couture Sewing Techniques
The Cut of Women's Clothes, 1600-1930
Designing Apparel Through the Flat Pattern.
Grading Techniques for Fashion Design
How to Draft Basic Patterns
59 Authentic Turn-Of-The-Century Fashion Patterns
Kristina Harris
Affordable Heirlooms (Creative Machine Arts)
American Dress Pattern Catalog, 1873-1909
Best of Sewing With Nancy Nancy Zieman
Butterick's 1892 Metropolitan Fashions
Draping & Designing With Scissors & Cloth: 1920's
Easy Reversible Vests
Every Sewer's Guide to the Perfect Fit: Customizing Your Patterns for
a Sensational Look
Evolution of Fashion: Pattern & Cut from 1066 to 1930
Fitting Finesse Nancy Zieman, if you need to alter patterns
Fitting Solutions: Pattern-Altering Tips for Garments That
Fit Threads Magazine
Fitting Your Figure from Threads Magazine Editor
Home Pattern Company 1914 Fashions Catalog Kristina Harris
Jacket Jazz: 5 Great Looks...over 30 Patchwork Techniques/Book,
Patterns & Templates Judy Murrah
Jacket Jazz Encore: 6 More Great Looks...over 30 Patchwork
Techniques Judy Murrah
Make It Your Own Lori Bottom, Ronda Chaney
Make Your Own Japanese Clothes: Patterns & Ideas for
Modern Wear
More Jazz from Judy Murrah: New Shapes & Great Ideas for Wonderful
Wearable Art
Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomen's Dresses &
Their Construction C.1860-1940
Patterns from Finished Clothes: Re-Creating the Clothes You
Love Tracy Doyle
Russell's Standard Fashions 1915-1919
Shortcuts to a Perfect Sewing Pattern Rusty Bensussen
Smoothstitch Four Seasons Jacket: Patterns & Complete Instructions
Roxi Eppler
20,000 Years of Fashion: The History of Costume and Personal Adornment
American Costume, 1915-1970 : A Source Book for the Stage Costumer
The Costume Designer's Handbook: A Complete Guide for Amateur &
Professional Costume Designers
not the latest but one of the greatest
Broadway Costumes on a Budget: Big-Time Ideas for Amateur Producers
Child's Play: Quick & Easy Costumes
Costume L Rowland-Warne
Costume Technician's Handbook: Complete Guide for
Amateur & Professional Costume Technicians, excellent
resource for anyone who makes costumes for theatre/plays at
any level--realistic techniques for creating costumes from
any period, using basic techniques
Create Your Own Stage Costumes Jacquie Govier, Gill Davies
Creative Costumes for Children (Without Sewing)
Fantastic Costume Book: 40 Complete Patterns to Amaze & Amuse
Fashion in Costume 1200-1980
Folk Costumes of the World
My Costume Book
Romantic Stages: Set & Costume Design in Victorian England
Snazaroo Zoo: Great Faces & Easy Costumes to Bring Out the Animal in
You Janis Bullis
Stage Costume Step-By-Step: Complete Guide to Designing
& Making Stage Costumes for All Major Drama Periods &
Genres Mary T Kidd
Vecellio's Renaissance Costume Book: All 500 Woodcut
Illustrations from the Famous 16th-Century Compendium
of World Costume
What People Wore: 1,800 Illustrations from Ancient Times to
Early Twentieth Century
also shelves Vintage &
History below are good resources too
Fashion History
20,000 Years of Fashion: History of Costume & Personal Adornment
20th-Century Fashion: Complete Sourcebook John
Peacock--the last 100 years in fashion.
All the fashion designers that you've heard about & some
you haven't
Art of Dress: Clothes & Society, 1500-1914 Jane Ashelford
Becoming American Women: Clothing & the Jewish Immigrant
Experience, 1880-1920 Barbara Schreier, published by
Chicago Historical Society, beautifully illustrated &
includes women's stories in their own words
Chronicle of Western Fashion: From Ancient Times to
Present Day John Peacock's easy-to-use sourcebook
of fashion in the Western world spans 40 centuries from
Egyptian robes to the latest Parisian designs. Arranged
chronologically--over 1000 meticulous color drawings,
indispensable reference
Clothes: For Work, Play & Display Jacqueline Morley
Costume & Fashion: Concise History
James Laver, Amy DeLaHaye
Culture of Fashion: New History of Fashionable Dress
(Studies in Design & Material Culture) Christopher Breward
Edwardian Hats: Art of Millinery (1909)
Encyclopedia of Fashion Georgina O'Hara 1840-1980s
Everyday Fashions 1909-1920 As Pictured in Sears Catalogs
Joanne Olian
Everyday Fashions of the Twenties As Pictured in Sears &
Other Catalogs Stella Blum
Everyday Fashions of the Thirties As Pictured in Sears
Catalogs Stella Blum
Everyday Fashions of the Forties As Pictured in Sears
Catalogs Joanne Olian
Historic Costume in Pictures a classic "required" resource
Historical Encyclopedia of Costumes
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Costume & Fashion: From
1066 to the Present Do you ever wonder what they call
the puffy stuff at men's hips in the old paintings? Or when
it was the fashion? Try the 180 color illustrations
depicting fashionable costumes, body ornamentation &
hairstyles in this book
Let There Be Clothes: 40,000 Years of Fashion Lynn Schnurnberger
Fashion Accessories
20th-Century Jewelry: Art Nouveau to Modern Design
Accessories (Chic Simple) Kim Johnson Gross
(1st Ed) shoes to hats, belts to bags,
jewelry & watches to scarves & eyeglasses, how accessories
can transform your wardrobe & enhance your personal style.
National ads, media, color
Book of Jewelry: Create Your Own Jewelry With Beads,
Clay, Papier-Mache, Fabric, & Other Everyday Items
Jewelry-making is fast becoming one of the most popular
hobbies today--here are more than 40 projects specially
commissioned from top designers, all detailed in clear &
simple instructions + a wealth of ideas for developing
your own designs. 265 color photos; diagrams & charts
Cartier: 1900-1939
Surveys spectacular creations; specially taken photographs
present a breathtaking array of jewelry, as well as objets d'art.
450+ illustrations
Creating Fashion Accessories
Hat Book: Creating Hats for Every Occasion
Hats: Status, Style & Glamour
Hats: With Values
Jewelry by Chanel What could be better?
Jewelry by Joan Rivers
Mickey Mouse Watch: From the Beginning of Time (1st Ed Hardcover dec97)
The Necklace: From Antiquity to Present
In this stunning book, jewelry experts
show the history of the necklace
Quickstyle: How to Expand, Enhance, & Update Your Wardrobe
With Accessories Christine Kunzelman, the
makeover/accessories expert of "Live With Regis & Kathy Lee"
Ribbonwork (New Crafts Series)
Includes clothing & fashion accessories
Sensational Scarfs: 44 Great Ways to Turn a Scarf into a
Fabulous Fashion Look Carol Straley
Showing Your Colors: Designer's Guide to Coordinating Your
Wardrobe Jeanne Allen
Silk Painting for Fashion & Fine Art: Techniques for Making
Ties, Scarves, Dresses, Decorative Pillows, & Fine Art
Paintings Susan Louise Moyer
Victoria: The Romance of Hats
Women's Hats/Il Cappello Da Donna
Fashion CareersFashion ModelsIf you
have read any of
these books, let us know what you thought of it!
If you
can't find the book you want, tell us.
you've read ANY other good book, tell us about it
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