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Business & Careers Bookstore

Business Books

  1. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language by American Heritage Dictionaries
  2. 7 Levels of Change: The Guide to Innovation in the World's Largest Corporations Rolf Smith (P nov97) from his experience as a strategist with the U.S. Air Force
  3. Collection Techniques for a Small Business Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., John Harrison (P apr94) worth adding to your library, USABLE advice
  4. Corporate Creativity: How Innovation & Improvement Actually Happen Alan Robinson, Sam Stern (H sep97) identifies 6 essential elements that companies can use to turn their creativity from a hit-or-miss proposition into something consistent that they can count on: Alignment, Serendipity, Self-Initiated Activity, Diverse Stimuli, Unofficial Activity, Within-Company Communication
  5. Creative Priority: Driving Innovative Business in the Real World Jerry Hirshberg (1 ed H feb98)(Audio Cass Abridged jan98) redesigning the CEO in a gripping organizational detective story
  6. Credit & Collection: Letters Ready to Go! Ed Halloran (P feb98) not just theory, packed with sample letters, e-mail messages, etc. so keep close at hand to be prepared
  7. Every Manager's Guide to Business Finance Robert Finney (H sep94) especially chapter 10 which focuses on ways to maximize cash flow
  8. Faster Company: Building the World's Nuttiest Turn-On-A-Dime Home-Grown Dollar Business Patrick Kelly, John Case (P mar98) an unconventional management book by an unconventional businessman
  9. Great Game of Business Jack Stack, Bo Burlingham Stack is the president & CEO of Springfield ReManufacturing Corp
  10. State of the Net Peter Clemente (P feb98) an essential reference for those wanting to build a business online

Career Books

  1. 101 Dynamite Questions to Ask at Your Job Interview Richard Fein (P jan96) interview the company
  2. CareerXroads: The 1998 Directory to Jobs, Resumes & Career Management on the World Wide Web Gerry Crispin, Mark Mehler (3 ed P oct97) detailed reviews & ratings of more than 475 job, resume & career management sites on the WWWeb
  3. Resumes in Cyberspace: Your Complete Guide to a Computerized Job Search Pat Criscito (P apr97) designing a scannable & fax-favorable resume, which companies accept resumes online & how to approach them, how to use online job banks & resume repositories

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