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Any book whose title is a link can be purchased online. Others can be purchased through CJLutz Books anyWWWhere SM, if interested, contact us at Do you have books to sell? We buy books & sell on consignment too. We want to put "vintage" books, of all types & topics, in the hands of appreciative readers/collectors.

We will be adding books to our lists as we find good ones. If you don't find the book for which you are looking or on the subject in which you are interested, please let us know! We'll find it as soon as we possibly can.

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If you decide to buy one of these books, please do so directly from a link below. You can come back here to choose more books too.

Remember, these books are discounted!

Special Requests

    Long Distance Phone Business

  1. Excel Phenomenon: The Astonishing Success Story of the Fastest-Growing Communications Company -- and What It Means to You
    You asked for it!


  2. American Fashion: Life & Lines of Adrian, Mainbocher, McCardell, Norell, & Trig`Ere Sarah Tomerlin Lee, New York: Quadrangle, New York
    Needed ASAP!

    Fingernail Art

  3. 30 Nail Art Designs Susan Tumblety
  4. Airbrushing for Nails Elizabeth Anthony
  5. Hot Tips: Step-By-Step Nail Art You Can Create at Home! Sandra Marion, Colette Moncion
  6. Milady's Art & Science of Nail Technology
  7. Milady's Art & Science of Nail Technology, Rev ed.
  8. Milady's Tech Nails: Extensions, Wraps & Nail Art Tammy Bigan 1991
  9. Nail Art Sherri Haab
  10. Nail Art & Design Tammy Bigan 1993
  11. Professional Secrets to Nail Art Brennan
    NY, NY -- you asked for these!


  12. Marriages, a novel Peter Straub
  13. Marriages Peter Straub
    looking for this book for a reader

    "near death experiences"

  14. The Cocoon & the Butterfly (Kubler-Ross in Person) Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Goran Grip (Editor)
    need this book for a client who's mother has cancer NO LONGER NEEDED


  15. Inkstands & Inkwells Ted Rivera, Betty Rivera
    looking for a copy for a client
  16. Ink Bottles & Ink Wells William Covill
    Do you have one of these books to sell?

    Science Fiction

  17. Knight Life Peter (Allen) David, aka David Peters
    need a book for a reader

  18. Tau Zero (1970 or 81) Poul Anderson
    found this book for one of our readers in Argentina

  19. Pilgrimage to Hell
  20. Pony Soldiers
  21. Dectra Chain
  22. Ice and Fire
  23. Red Equinox
  24. Northstar Rising
  25. Time Nomads
  26. Moon Fate looked for these for a client & now have a whole new bookstore of his books

What?! You want still more? Check back -- more coming soon!

If you have read one of these books, let us know what you thought of it!
If you can't find the book you want, tell us.
If you've read ANY other good book, tell us about it too.
Also, if you have any comments about anyWWWhere SM Bookstores

anyWWWhere SM Bookstores:

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